- Then you're not sore at me? 那么你不生我的气了?
- You' re not very consistent : first you condemn me, then you praise me. 你前後矛盾; 开头责备我; 接着又夸奖我.
- Honey ,are you sill sore at me for saying I found your sister attractive? 亲爱的,还在为我说你妹妹很漂亮而生气吗?
- And then my Godfather got sore at me and wouldn't talk to me on the phone or see me when I came into New York. 于是,我教父也生我的气,不愿意在电话上同我通话,甚至我到了纽约市,他也不愿意见我。
- Hey, honney.Are you still sore at me for saying I found your sister attractive? 亲爱的,你还为我说你妹妹漂亮那句话跟我生气呢?
- Thou hast thrust sore at me that I might fall: but the LORD helped me. 你推我,要叫我跌倒,但耶和华帮助了我。
- If you’re asked to give a lecture about gravity to elementary school students then you’re not going to treat all of them like tenured physics professors. 如果你去给小学生做一个关于地心引力的报告,那么你不必像一个终身物理教授一样给他们讲解。
- If yes, then you would like to consider making aliases of your gmail id to use when you’re not sure whether you’re signing up for something safe or not. 英特尔在今日的信息技术峰会上首次展示了一种可随意改变物体形状的物质,通过它可以做出拥有各种外形的计算机,并且该计算机可以根据需要改变大小和结构。
- You're sore at me for marrying a Jew, you always have been, and you don't care what happens to her. 你根本不高兴我娶了个犹太人,你一直就是这样。你也不在乎她会有什么遭遇。
- Is she still sore at (ie angry with) you? 她还生你的气吗?
- Do not keep yapp back at me when you do not really know the entire picture. 你不知道整个真实情况,别对我哇啦哇啦叫不停。
- Then you are not going to demand any money of me? 那么您不要我的钱吗?
- She was sore at him for not inviting her to the party. 她因他没有邀请她去参加聚会而生他的气。
- Then you do not require me to pay? 那么您不要我付账吗?
- Come on, professor, does not smirk at me like that. 拜托!老师,你不要那样对着我假笑。
- Seamus: You re not getting married. 谢默斯:得了吧,这又不是在举行婚礼。
- Fontina: You"re not so bad after all. 你这人其实挺不错的。
- If I see your point right, then you do not think much of her. 如果我没弄错的话,那么你觉得她并不怎么样。
- How dare you thunder out your orders at me? 你怎敢如此大声地对我发号施令?
- You’re not coveting both holes. (是的,这不是妄想)。